What if Online Voices are silent?

Can you imagine if online means of communication / interconnections / networking are overnight banned in any country of the world and unexpected / unanticipated changes / laws are made within the country?
I mean the popular social media platforms which empower commoners to raise their voices, if in the name of violation of concern country's laws are banned and after that certain drastic and unacceptable / unexpected changes are brought into effect then how would it be possible to connect with eachother?
Because now a days we are somewhere entirely dependent on popular social media platforms for public discourse, I think there will be no option to interconnect, people will be paralyzed.
Think, if today a citizen is lynched by mob in any part of India then at least voices are raised on social media, however those voices aren't heard, it's another matter.
What if the platforms on which such voices are raised, banned, hundred of thousands can be launched, how will people come to know?
Recent example of banning the popular social media platform 'Twitter' got banned in Nigeria because Twitter deleted Nigeria's President tweet, I suppose such trends will be rising in other countries too. Because elected leaders of countries also don't want to face criticism when they are failed, which are easily discoursed and propagated on these platforms.
Once such leaders think that social media doesn't work for them / political agenda, can take initiative to ban such platforms to avoid being criticised or exposed.
People are controlled, whole world is being controlled, those who rule the world will allow those voices which they want to listen. It's sad reality.
